Geoff Hunt, a local nature expert, came to our school and showed us images of birds. Then we took part in a quiz testing our knowledge of nature. Next we set off to Curraghchase.
Curraghchase is a forest park in Co.Limerick. We were split into groups and given a pair of binoculars per group. When we got there we collected leaves and other nuts and berries and put them into our bags. We walked on and searched for a red squirrel. We eventually saw one. After that, we searched for more leaves, nuts and berries. We went down to the bridge and saw water birds. We saw mute swans, water hens and mallard ducks.
We returned to school and we drew pictures of the plants and animals that we saw. We put out all of the leaves and nuts on the table and learned about them. THANKS GEOFF!