We were delighted to welcome Clara and Dan from the ESB Science Blast Roadshow Team to the school on Wednesday 23rd March. They came to talk to the senior pupils about their entry in the Science Blast 2022. The question we investigated was, “Do plants prevent soil erosion?”
Following our investigation we discovered that plants do help prevent soil erosion. We sowed radish seeds earlier in the year and watched them carefully, watering them regularly. We also had our control sample without seeds which we also watered to ensure a fair test.
Once the seedlings had grown we simulated a hillside and rain (using a watering can) and observed the difference in the soil runoff between the hillside with plants and the hillside without plants. We weighed the amount of soil which was washed away. Our results were very clear. Plants do help prevent soil erosion.
Clara and Dan then showed us their fully electric car which they arrived in, provided by ESB.
Click on the link to see the final video https://youtu.be/9WdP2uLKcik